Weranga Scarps Nature Reserve
Weranga Scarps is a freehold block close to 50 ha in extent located approximately 70 km Southwest of Dalby, in the Western Downs of Queensland.
The land supports a complexity of vegetation communities in a relatively small area. Various eucalyptus and angophoras predominate the forests and woodlands with shrubby and or grassy understoreys. Acacias and she-oaks are conspicuous in certain ecosystems. Dense calytrix heathlands occur on ephemeral wet areas.
Weranga Scarps is home to a number of threatened wildlife species, including the glossy black-cockatoo, yakka skink, golden-tailed gecko and koala.
Over 127 species of birds have been recorded, including the speckled warbler, hooded robin, various honeyeaters, Pacific baza and other raptors.
Resident mammals observed include the yellow-footed antechinus, stripe-faced dunnart, sugar glider and inland brushtail possum.
Reptiles, such as the spotted black snake and common scalyfoot, are among the many species that call this holding home. Amphibians are plentiful after rain, with salmon-striped frogs and eight other frog species seen in the area during wet conditions.
Update: 26 August 2021
Settlement of Lot 61 to add to Weranga Scarps on the western Darling Downs is complete!
Donations to our April 2021 Weranga Scarps Land Purchase Appeal by more than 120 generous donors raised the funds to secure this special 10-ha property adjacent to Weranga Scarps as a haven for wildlife. Thank you to all those who donated to make this outcome possible.
Your generous online and offline donations raised $42,660 – $17,000 of which came from matching gifts. In addition, a Trust (which elected to remain nameless) covered any shortfall to ensure we hit the target of $50,000.
Now that this acquisition is finalised, we look forward to continuing to manage Weranga Scarps for the sole purpose of conserving and protecting Queensland’s wildlife.
Thank you to everyone who made a donation to help purchase and protect this important property and secure our nation’s biodiversity.